Sharing your Faith


How might you go about answering questions from, "Is there a God?" to "What are the claims of Jesus?"

Use this handout for a cool flowchart that is simple to go through with another student: "Why is there something instead of nothing?"


Learning to use the Knowing God Personally booklet (fondly know as the KGP) will help you to share the gospel more clearly, and equip you to share your faith more comfortably in all different situations.

  • Use this:  Using the Knowing God Personally Booklet

  • Check out the link and share it with your bible study or read through it with someone you are discipling. During the bible study time, read through it together.

  • If you are familiar with the booklet, take your disciple with you and you share it with someone. Debrief together on how the time went.

  • Next time, the two of you go together, but they share it.

  • If this is new to you, read through the KGP several times on your own.

  • Read it through with someone you know who is a believer but you may not be sure, and tell them you would like to practice it.

  • Pray for a few people you would like the opportunity to share your faith with. Ask God for an opportunity with them. When you see them, ask them if “sometime” you could take about Christianity, their spiritual background or the main message of Christianity.

  • Step of faith: sign up for a Cru summer mission and get experience in sharing your faith more effectively.


Soularium is a picture survey designed to help you “explore” with others. It is a great tool for finding out more about people’s spiritual journey and thoughts about God.

  • Read the following for how to use it: Using Soularium to explore with people on their spiritual journey

  • Familiarize yourself with the photos.

  • Questions you can ask yourself first:

    • 1. Which 3 photos describe your life right now?

    • 2. Which 3 photos describe what you would like for your life?

    • 3. Which one photo represents God to you?

    • 4. Which one  photo describes your spiritual journey?

    • 5. Which one photo represents what you would like your spiritual life to look like?

  • Do the picture survey with a friend or roommate.

  • Step out in faith: who would be a faith step to share this with?

  • For a bible study: place the photos on a table and for a good chunk of your bible study “do” soularium. This could be a good way to get to know one another better and for them to be exposed to this tool.

  • Pair up during the week and look for an opportunity on campus to use the survey.


There are a myriad of reasons why we might not share our faith or don't feel effective. These steps are helpful right now in college and for wherever God takes you after college. Click this link to read the article that sums up this training.

Go to: "Steps to Sharing the Gospel in your Circles"

Also, here is a way to share the gospel by Exploring John and Encountering Jesus . It is a tool with simple questions to explore Christ with others


Having a prepared testimony of how Christ has changed your life will help you to be ready in any situation. It is a great way to share with others the life-changing message of the gospel and how they too can know Christ personally. A compelling and clear 3-5 minute testimony is worth taking the time to prepare.

  • Use this: Telling your story/Preparing your testimony

  • Check out the link and share it with your bible study or those you are discipling.

  • Towards the end of your bible study, have the group look at the worksheet (the link)  for a couple minutes. Then have everyone pair up and listen to one another’s story for about 3 minutes each. Then ask them to work through the worksheet for the next week. If time allows meet with a couple at a time throughout the upcoming week to help them with their testimony, so that it is clear and includes the main points of the gospel.

  • Refine your testimony with this material and share it with another person who can give you feedback in order to make it clear and compelling

  • Share it with someone that you think might be a believer, but you are not sure. Tell them you would like to practice it.

  • Pray for that person that you have a heart for, who you don’t think is a believer. Ask God for an opportunity to share your story with them. Then ask them if “sometime” you could grab lunch with them and talk about your spiritual backgrounds. Make a time with them soon. Ask questions and be a good listener. Share your story with them.    


Sharing our faith with others begins with asking good questions, listening well and growing in love and compassion for others. Learn to be a good “explorer.”

  • See if you can get into a “spiritual” conversation, but don’t force it. Be curious, Be a good listener. Ask good questions.

  •  Pair up and give your bible study a few questions to ask each other.

  • Challenge them to each have an “exploring” conversation with someone they know.

  • Pray for opportunities.